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Kabbalah FAQ

Read more +01 March 2020 By Raphael in Kabbalah FAQ

Can non-Jews study the Kabbalah

Non-Jews that are attracted by the Kabbalah could get an “intellectual” insight of its concepts and a feeling of well-being by its values, but have no direct participation in its realization, since they do not observe its intricate relations with the commandments of the Torah and the prayers. For example; when praying three times a
Read more +01 March 2020 By Raphael in Kabbalah FAQ

What are the good and bad impulse in man

The Yetser Hatov corresponds to the good or positive impulse in man, the Yetser Hara’ is his bad or negative impulse. The good deeds of man have an effect on the four higher worlds, his bad deeds; on the four lower worlds. It is only when man sins, that the negative side can grow in
Read more +01 March 2020 By Raphael in Kabbalah FAQ

Does Reincarnation exist

To ascend from its original level, a soul needs to reincarnate to do its Tikun. This Tikun of the soul is realized by the Gilgul (reincarnation) and/or by the ‘Ibur (attachment). While Gilgul is the reincarnation of a soul into a body from the time of its birth until its death, the ‘Ibur is an
Read more +01 March 2020 By Raphael in FP, Kabbalah FAQ

What is a Tikun

In Hebrew, the word “Tikun” has different meanings. It can be understood as reparation or rectification, and also as function, relation or action. There are different types of Tikunim: – Tikunim that took place in the first emanations to repair the worlds. – Tikunim for the construction and inter-relations of the Sephirot and Partsufim (configurations).
Read more +01 March 2020 By Raphael in FP, Kabbalah FAQ

Why is there free will for man

Since the intention of the Creator is to bestow goodness on His creatures, all the levels of creation were put in place so His kindness could emanate to them, yet in such a way that they would be able to receive it. Complete rigor will be the destruction of anything not perfect, while complete kindness
Read more +01 March 2020 By Raphael in FP, Kabbalah FAQ

Why is God called Ein Sof in the Kabbalah

“Ein Sof” is the Name of G-od that is the most used in the Kabbalah. His light is perfect, and cannot be measured by any definition or limiting terms. If we think about definitions, we introduce a notion of limit, or absence of its opposite. Being ourselves distinct separate beings, we cannot grasp the concept
Read more +01 March 2020 By Raphael in Kabbalah FAQ

What is the Torah in the Kabbalah

The Kabbalah is the mystical and esoteric explanation of the Torah. All the profound secrets explained in the Kabbalah, are alluded in the letters, words and different stories narrated in the Torah. The Torah contains four levels of comprehension, of which the highest is the Sod (secret). At this level, we understand that our Tefilot
Read more +01 March 2020 By Raphael in Kabbalah FAQ

What is the essential knowledge

The essential knowledge is the one of the will of the Creator and His ways of guidance in this existence, as explained in the Kabbalah. The other writings explain in the least details “how” to do, but only the Zohar and the Kabbalah explain to us the exact reasons, and effects of all our prayers
Read more +01 March 2020 By Raphael in Kabbalah FAQ

What is “Practical Kabbalah”

It is the “other” type of Kabbalah, where names or combinations of names of angels are used with special signs or incantations, sometimes written on parchment, to invoke particular powers and alter normal states of events. It is also called magic By writing various permutation of letters or names of angels, one could make these
Read more +01 March 2020 By Raphael in Kabbalah FAQ

Is it not forbidden to study the Kabbalah before the age of forty

This decree was canceled about 450 years ago, as it was confirmed and written by Rav Avraham Azulay : “What was decreed from above; not to study the Kabbalah openly, was for a limited time only, until the end of the year 5260 . From there and after, it was allowed, and from the year
Read more +01 March 2020 By Raphael in Kabbalah FAQ

Why has the study of Kabbalah been discouraged by some

All the rabbinical authorities have always agreed on the ultimate importance and truthfulness of the Kabbalah, they just did not agree on the way this knowledge should be disseminated. Some insisted that only a very selective group should be allowed to learn Kabbalah, and only after attaining a high level of purity and comprehension of
Read more +01 March 2020 By Raphael in Kabbalah FAQ

What is a Kabbalist

The word Kabbalah comes from the verb Lekabel (to receive), but to receive it is first necessary to be prepared, and to be a Keli (recipient) able to receive and contain this knowledge. A Kabbalist is a person who is accepted to receive this knowledge, and is able to hold it by living in the
Read more +01 March 2020 By Raphael in Kabbalah FAQ

Why should I learn the Kabbalah

Firstly, to understand what is expected of me, how I can better accomplish His commandments, the purpose of my prayers and actions. Secondly, to get closer to my creator by learning His ways, and understanding the different emanations of His lights and powers in this world, and the others. Thirdly, to “connect” with G-od, by
Read more +01 March 2020 By Raphael in Kabbalah FAQ

What do we Learn in the Kabbalah

In the Kabbalah we learn how and why G-od created the world, in what way He governs it, the provenance of the souls and angels, the purpose of the existence of evil, the systems that are put in place for the true guidance of the worlds, and more. The Kabbalah teaches the unfolding of the